
gall mite Learn more about gall mite

  • Lycium barbarum gall mite and its control

    Lycium barbarum gall mite and its control

    Lycium barbarum gall mite belongs to the family gall mites. In order to damage leaves, tender shoots, petals, buds and young fruits of Lycium barbarum, purple or yellow diseased galls were formed in the affected parts. Lycium barbarum gall mites overwintered as mature adult mites in the scales of winter buds or in the cortical cracks of branches. In April of the following year, adult mites moved to the new leaves of old branches to lay eggs, and after hatching, nymphs invaded plant tissues to cause galls. Gall mites climbed from galls to new shoots in mid-late May, and the first peak period of reproduction was formed in late June. By the middle of August, when the autumn shoots grow, the gall mites turn to the new shoots.

  • What are the specific drugs for gall mites?

    What are the specific drugs for gall mites?

    Gall mite is a common pest, which can be seen in crops planted in various regions of our country, so what specific medicine does gall mite have? Introduction to the basic situation of gall mites as a common pest, gall mites are generally distributed in Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian, Hainan, Sichuan and Yunnan

    2020-11-08 Gall mite have what specific medicine gall mite is a kind of common
  • How to control gall mites in longan tree?

    How to control gall mites in longan tree?

    What harm does the gall mite of longan tree have? How to control gall mites in longan tree? Ask netizens to help guide the farming network to sort out the harm and control methods of longan tree gall mites, which are listed in detail below for netizens' reference. The harm of longan tree gall mites: adult mites, nymph mites and young mites can feed on longan tree gall mites.

  • Control of gall mites in Litchi

    Control of gall mites in Litchi

    Litchi gall mite, also known as litchi gall wall lice, litchi hairy spider, the injured leaves are called felt disease. To harm litchi and longan. Adult mites and nymph mites are harmful to tender shoots, leaves, flowers and young fruits, sucking liquid juice. For the injured leaves, yellow-green patches appear on the back first, and the damage spots are concave.

    2020-11-08 Species litchi gall mite control also known as gall wall
  • How to kill goji berry gall mite

    How to kill goji berry gall mite

    Lycium barbarum gall mite, also known as large tumor gall mite, is a common pest that harms leaves, buds, young fruits, tender stems, petals and flower stalks of Lycium barbarum. So how do you kill goji gall mites? How to prevent? How to kill goji berry gall mite? You can use 50% acaricide directly.

    2020-11-08 how to kill goji berries gall mites goji berries also known as large tumors yes
  • Control methods of longan gall mite

    Control methods of longan gall mite

    The damage was caused by sucking juice in the terminal buds and spikes of longan shoots, which led to the shortening of spike internodes, and the florets could not bloom and develop into bloated flowers for a long time. Guangdong fruit growers are commonly known as "ghost flowers"; the new shoots are arched claw-shaped, leaf edges curled, can not be expanded, fruit farmers call them ghost tips, especially ghost flowers can not bear fruit.

  • Occurrence and control of Lycium barbarum gall mite

    Occurrence and control of Lycium barbarum gall mite

    In the middle and last ten days of August 2002, Chinese wolfberry gall mite disease occurred in the Chinese wolfberry producing area along the boundary between giant deer and Longyao, which brought great losses to the majority of Chinese wolfberry growers. Harmful symptoms: the leaves are the most obvious, the damaged parts are densely yellow-green and nearly round bulging spots, the leaves are twisted, similar to virus disease, the plant growth is seriously hindered, the leaves and tender stems are not edible, the fruit is deformed, and the yield and quality are reduced. Cut the small bulge on the leaf with a blade, remove the adult mite from the inside, and look at it under the microscope. The adult mite is long conical and orange. Pass

  • What should we do after longan gets gall mites?

    What should we do after longan gets gall mites?

    Longan, (Latin name: Dimocarpus longan Lour.) also known as longan, Yizhi, evergreen trees, tall trees. From July to August, the fruit was picked when the fruit was yellowish brown. Is a disease-free plant, the fruit is used for raw food or processed into dried products, meat, nucleus, skin and roots can be used.

    2020-11-08 Longan gall mite after that what to do longan Latin scientific name
  • The causes of yellow rose leaves, diseases and insect pests are all murderers.

    The causes of yellow rose leaves, diseases and insect pests are all murderers.

    Rose is a very common flower and plant, its flowers are numerous and colorful, and it is very popular with people, but many people who raise rose flowers have encountered yellowing of flowers and leaves, so what are the specific reasons?

  • Occurrence and control of jujube pest grass paramecium and jujube gall mite

    Occurrence and control of jujube pest grass paramecium and jujube gall mite

    Occurrence and control of jujube pest grass paramecium and jujube gall mite 1. Coccidae jujube pest, also known as tree lice and grass shoe insect. It is widely distributed in China, such as Hebei, Shanxi, Shandong, Shaanxi, Henan and other provinces (regions). ...

  • Jujube gall mite

    Jujube gall mite

    Also known as jujube mite, jujube tick, jujube ash leaf. The insect is distributed in Dongzao jujube producing areas in Shandong Province and has become one of the main pests on jujube trees. After the jujube tree was killed, the leaves were curled, the leaves were gray, the fallen flowers and fruits were heavy, and then the leaves fell, resulting in secondary sprouting leaves; there were spots on the fruit surface, resulting in a substantial reduction in yield and a decline in quality. The generation of the insect varies according to its geographical location. About 10 generations a year in Zaozhuang area of Shandong Province, adult mites and nymphs overwintered in jujube scales or jujube branch bark seams, with many generations and rapid reproduction. High mortality rate, strong resistance, rapid spread, score

  • What pests do you need to control when planting mushrooms?

    What pests do you need to control when planting mushrooms?

    What pests do you need to control when planting mushrooms? What methods can be used to control mushroom pests? Please also understand the net friend to help introduce the kind of mushroom need to control pests generally have mites, eye fungus midges, gall midges, jumping insects, nematodes and slugs and termites, for the above pests farming network finishing the control methods, the following detailed list for...

  • How do pests harm flowers? Main damage modes of flower pests

    How do pests harm flowers? Main damage modes of flower pests

    In the last article, we introduced the common pests in the process of potted soil flower culture. We all know that pests do great harm to flowers, seriously threatening the reproduction, growth, flowering, fruiting and ornamental value of flowers.

  • Major diseases and insect pests of litchi in March

    Major diseases and insect pests of litchi in March

    1. Downy mildew: also called downy mildew blight. It mainly harms fruits and infects flower spikes and tender leaves. The damage to the fruit began from the pedicel, irregular disease spots occurred on the surface of the pericarp, and gradually expanded, resulting in the blackening of the whole fruit, pulp decay, the smell of sour wine, and white frost outside the diseased fruit, causing fruit drop. ...

  • Control of Psilocycterus sp. on Jujube Trees

    Control of Psilocycterus sp. on Jujube Trees

    Jujube trees are generally more common in the north, but rare in the south. For friends who grow jujube trees, the most feared thing is the erosion of pests. Once jujube trees are eroded by pests, not only will the yield decrease, but the fruits will be bitten by insects. More serious, they will also

    2020-11-08 species jujube rust gall mite of control general in north
  • If farmers plant grapes, how to control insect pests? Grape growers, grape pests can not be ignored.

    If farmers plant grapes, how to control insect pests? Grape growers, grape pests can not be ignored.

    The species of grape pests are relatively few, except for a few kinds of pests, such as grape gall mite, green bug and so on, most grape pests are found occasionally. ...

  • Pest control of litchi and longan in autumn and winter

    Pest control of litchi and longan in autumn and winter

    First, the species and control of insect pests in autumn shoot. Autumn shoots are the fruiting branches of next year, if eaten by pests, it will seriously affect the formation of flower buds next year. Autumn shoot pests are mainly a variety of leaf-eating inchworms and leaf rollers. Among them, gall mites (felt disease) and longan horncheek wood lice are the most harmful from September to November every year.

  • Technical plan for prevention and control of main tea diseases and insect pests in 2019

    Technical plan for prevention and control of main tea diseases and insect pests in 2019

    The main diseases and insect pests in tea gardens in China are tea small green leafhopper (small green leafhopper), black whitefly, gray tea inchworm, tea inchworm, tea caterpillar, tea orange gall mite, coffee claw mite, horned breast beetle, tea net bug, tea black poison moth, tea yellow thrips, tea stick thrips and tea stick thrips.

    2020-11-09 In 2019 tea trees major diseases and insect pests prevention and control technology programs national
  • High-yield cultivation techniques of Lycium barbarum

    High-yield cultivation techniques of Lycium barbarum

    High-yield cultivation techniques of Lycium barbarum

  • Control techniques of mites in garlic

    Control techniques of mites in garlic

    Through observation and study, three kinds of mite pests harming garlic and their basic morphological characteristics, biological characteristics and harmful symptoms were preliminarily identified, and effective control methods were put forward. (1) Root mite is a dangerous pest of garlic in the field and during storage because of its wide distribution, rapid reproduction and heavy damage. The adult mite is 0.58-0.81 mm long, wide oval, pear-shaped, white surface, smooth and shiny, there are 4 pairs of short and thick foot oval, 0.2 mm long, milky white, more transparent. Adult mites and nymph mites are the most important.
